I'm trying to run a VM linux (openSuse Leap 42.3) machine on my Windows 10 PC and get access to the USB device plugged into windows.
I have the server running on windows and started the vhclientx86_64 as a deamon using the root account, so far so good.
I manually added the windows USB hub as it did not find it automatically, again all good so far.
I then did a -t LIST and my windows hub and all available devices are shown, great!
If I use DEVICE INFO or GET CLIENT STATE I receive sensible information about the device, so again all good.
The problem is when I try to use the device using USE, I get a short delay then just get FAILED returned?
What could be the potential reasons for the FAILED being issued?
Regards Mark
Take a look in syslog, it will say the reason for the failure.
The syslog on the linux
The syslog on the linux machine states I need to purchase a licence for my server each time I attempt to USE the device from the linux machine. Does this mean I need to by and install the licence on the windows machine which has all the USB's fitted to it?, I was under the impression I could trial before buying is this not the case?
Sequence of logged messages:
Sequence of logged messages:
Message when server is running and I do a "vhclientx86_64 -t LIST
Logged message -->VirtualHere Client: VirtualHere USB Server Trial Edition (
Message when trying to use one of the devices "vhclient86_64 -t "USE,Oxygen.1"
Logged Message -->VirtualHere Client: You need to purchase a licence for your server ( to enable access via a VirtualHere Client running a service
Ok well thats pretty explanatory!
So do I have to purchase a
So do I have to purchase a licence? I'm only trying to use one of the devices as per your licence terms
Yes if you want to use the client as a service you must purchase. Otherwise just use the GUI!
OK that appears to make sense
OK that appears to make sense. I have just run the server and client on my windows machine and it allows the use of one device and then flags up a dialog message saying that I need to purchase the licence to use more.
On the linux machine i'm running the client as a daemon as I can't get the GUI to run so that is probably why.
I will get a licence
OK got the GUI on linux
OK got the GUI on linux working and it uses it OK now.
One other question when I am using the USB device under linix by what name would it show up as in the /dev folder?
I dont know, thats the linux kernels job to figure out via udev rules. Its not related to virtualhere