Automating server start (Rpi3)

For a unix/Raspberry noob who has just succeeded in getting the VH server running on a Rpi3/Jessie 8.0, how does one go about automating starting the server daemon in background mode when starting the pi and elegantly shutting it down when quitting?

Scripting suggestions are requested to be detailed, please. I can copy & paste. (c;



I followed the instructions of the FAQ but when i type the command
ps aux | grep vhusb
i have :
root 428 0.0 0.2 3948 2180 ? Ssl 19:31 0:00 /usr/sbin/vhusbdarm -b -c /root/config.ini
and not vhusddarmpi3
how to obtain the good executable and clean the bad manip ?
Best Regards,


Looks like it running ok


To remove it i did :
sudo update-rc.d -f vhusbdpin remove
to start at the boot, i did :
In the file /etc/rc.local above the exit 0, I included this line :
sudo /path_to_executable/vhusbdarmpi3 -b

voili voila
best regards,