I just try VirtualHere before buying a license to share a DAC to a virtual machine, but no lock, it fails with this message in log :
2017-11-26 09:31:04 INFO :Installing driver for class causbaudio_SetupClass {55A9EEDD-748A-4105-A549-DCFED3F1EA7F}
2017-11-26 09:31:04 INFO :Downloading https://www.virtualhere.com/sites/default/files/usbserver/windows/win64/drivers/vhsd_causbaudio_setupclass.sys
2017-11-26 09:31:05 ERROR :There was an error downloading, HTTP response code said error (404)
2017-11-26 09:31:05 ERROR :Could not install driver for class causbaudio_SetupClass
2017-11-26 09:31:05 ERROR :Error binding device 1 [22e8:dac2] to connection 1, BIND_ERROR
The Dac is a Cambridge Audio Dac Magic Plus.
Is there a mean to put the driver manually ?
This is fixed, try again...
Drivers downloading is ok,
Drivers downloading is ok, but device not usable.
Sound is completly distored :(
OK that means your DAC is very sensitive to the (slight additional) network latency added to the USB stream via virtualhere
I tried with USB Network Gate and it's perfect, but the price is not in my budget.
I would have been happy to buy a licence of Virutalhere :(
Yeah i dont really want to support DACs specifically because it will never have as good support as a usb cable because of the variable jitter in the network. Althought it may sound good or bad a different times, These types of devices are too tied to latency and tend to not work well in the long term. They tend to want to sync on certain frames which is impossible with variable latency.
Speakers and microphones should be fine as they are not so sensitive.