Linux client seems to crash

Hi everybody,

i am using VirtualHere Server on a Windows Server 2016 and the Client inside a Debian 9.6.0 Hyper-V Guest to reach out to two physical Smartcard Reeders attached to the host. It is working fine, except on a regular base the connection from the client is lost and cannot be restored. Sometimes this happens after 2-3 hours, sometimes after 30 hours, no pattern. After a reboot of the guest Debian all works fine again until the next crash. Does anyone else have similar issues?



You need to be using a recent kernel like 4.14 or more recent and make sure you are using the latest virtualhere client 4.7.1


Allright, I was actually using 4.6.4 and now updated to 4.7.1
I will keep you posted. Thank you


Unfortunately it crashed again, this Time after 6 days but it crashed. Any idea?


OK im away for a few weeks but i will work on this when i get back


Im back from holidays and have spent a bit of time looking at this. Could you send me the /var/log/syslog from the server if/when the client crashes. N.B make sure you are running the latest kernel. Send log to mail [at] (mail[at]virtualhere[dot]com)