BIND_ERROR on Windows 10 server


I have 1 virtualhere windows 10 server with a purchased license and it works perfectly with a bluetooth dongle which I'm using to connect 2 Xbox One Controllers. However, I have also bought the Xbox Wireless Adapter and I want to run the adapter through Virtualhere to use the controllers with the adapter. When I click on "use this device" does not complete function (the client eventually shows "there was an error using this device") and the server logs a BIND_ERROR.
Please, could you help me?

Thank you very much.

Best regards.


Bring up the virtualhere server dialog and select Settings->View Server Log, does it have a message about BIND_ERROR in there?


Hello, Michael.

I'm running virtualhere server as windows service, so log is available through windows event log viewer.
These are the related events:

15/05/2019 0:38:57 DiInstallDevice failed, This operation returned because the timeout period expired. (0x000005b4)
15/05/2019 0:38:58 Error binding device 5 [045e:02fe] to connection 1, BIND_ERROR

Thank you very much.


OK that controller wont be compatible


Will it make any difference if I plug the device into a Raspberry Pi and install the Virtualhere server linux version?

Thank you!


Yes it will probably work, linux is *much* better than either windows or mac as a usb server. So definately give that a try.