I'd like to use VirtualHere Server on a Mac with macOS Mojave 10.14.5 and a Mac client of the same version of macOS. A Sentinel dongle that runs on the server shows on the client. The first time I used this device on the client some driver was installed, but installation of the driver ended with an error message. Now, when clicking "use this device" for the Sentinel dongle it's always showing the error "There was a error using this device."
I restarted the VirtualHere Server, tried to reinstall VirtualHere client but the error persists and the option of reinstalling the driver on the client never reappears.
Any ideas what could be done to get it running?
Hi Adendum, try to use the device via virtualhere, then go to the server and click Settings->View Server Log->Copy to clipboard and paste into this forum so i can see the error message
I seem to have the same issue
See my other post, it seems to be server rather than client related and specific to recent MacOS versions.