<p>Hi Michael,<br />
on https://www.virtualhere.com/oem_faq there is a description of how to install VH as a deamon on systemd (Rpi...). It lacks a couple of steps which are not obvious for the novice. I have added my suggestions below. Think vhusbdarm_RV should be bold to emphasize it must be customized.
<p>And there is a mistake in init.d instructions: Rpi is not init.d based so should not be mentioned in step one, Should read "ssh to your init.d system"<br />
br henning
<p>-<br />
For systemd based systems (Rpi, Ubuntu,,,,,?. "COMPLETE THE LIST"<br />
Locate the relevant version for your architcure here (see table "LINK HERE") and replace with vhusbdarm_RV in Step 2, 3 and 4
<p>1 ssh to your systemd system<br />
2 wget https://www.virtualhere.com/sites/default/files/usbserver/vhusbdarm_RV<… />
3 sudo chmod +x ./vhusbdarm_RV<br />
4 sudo mv vhusbdarm_RV /usr/bin
<p>5 Create a text file /etc/systemd/system/virtualhere.service with the following contents<br />
-<br />
[Unit]<br />
Description=VirtualHere USB Sharing<br />
Requires=avahi-daemon.service<br />
After=avahi-daemon.service<br />
[Service]<br />
ExecStartPre=/bin/sh -c 'logger VirtualHere settling...;sleep 1s;logger VirtualHere settled'<br />
ExecStart=/usr/bin/vhusbdarm_RV<br />
Type=idle<br />
[Install]<br />
WantedBy=multi-user.target<br />
-<br />
6a Then:<br />
systemctl daemon-reload<br />
systemctl enable virtualhere<br />
systemctl start virtualhere
<p> or alternatively to 6a:
<p>6b sudo reboot
<p>After reboot virtualhere will start automatically<br />
On the client you will be asked to enter the license number.
ok to be more accurate- all
ok to be more accurate- all the Rpi references should maybe be: "Rpi with latest Raspbian". Rpi can run many other OS's. Although, I guess Ubuntu would be exactly the same procedure as for Raspbian
br henning
Thanks a lot for that henning, i will made that update asap
Also vhusbdarm should be in /usr/sbin as it requires sudo access