I've just purchased the product, and fumbled around trying to get everything set up. Definitely need to ask for help now as I'm not making any progress.
I have my server hosted on a Win2012R2 just fine and am trying to set up a client on an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS Server console. When I run the vhclientx86_64 I get the error
modprobe: FATAL: Module vhci_hcd not found in directory/lib/modules/4.4.0-31-generic USBIP client drivers are not available, you will have to compile/install your own from the linux kernel source.
This is over my head, and I've tried to understand how to do this and am failing. Can anyone assist me?
16.04 should already have the required module, anyway to install it do this:
then try running the client again
Attempted this,
Attempted this,
Here is my pastebin output from this.
16.04 by default as usbip
16.04 by default as usbip installed. I just checked on my ubuntu 16.04 and the client works fine with no special commands or packages to install. I think you should try to install a standard install of ubuntu as perhaps you have a stripped down version or something.
fresh install, now we're good
fresh install, now we're good. Will start playing with VirtualHere once I migrate everything over! Thanks
Need help with Ubuntu console setup
I am trying to set up a client on an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS (arm processor with a 64bit OS) Server console. When I run the vhclientarm64 I get the error
modprobe: FATAL: Module vhci_hcd not found in directory/lib/modules/4.4.0-38-tegra
I tried the solutions to this thread but with not success.
Any help is appreciated
You must build the usbip kernel module see here https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/1042391/is-it-possible-to-buil… for example
the kernel module is usbip (see last section here https://www.virtualhere.com/client_configuration_faq)
Rebuilding the usbip kernel module solved the problem.
Thank for your support.