Unable to connect!!??


I recently purchased a license and am hoping I could get to use this amazing product soon. I need some help please.

I am trying to set up Nvidia Gamestream from PC to my shield device. Gamestream has very basic support and does not support vibration/rumble function and thus VH comes into play. I have VH server installed on the shield and VH client on my Windows 10 desktop. The client sees the xbox controller that is connected to the shield via USB but when I click use this device the controller disappears and shows up again remaining unused.

I believe the first step is to review the log from VH server but I do not know how to pull it up and copy it to my PC so I can post it here for your review. Would you please guide me through troubleshooting this issue.

Thank you,



So after trying different things, I found that the ps4 controller works fine via USB. I am guessing that VH server is unable to lock the xbox controller via USB, perhaps because it is being used by the shield contrary to the ps4 controller. I wonder if I get an xbox wireless controller adapter, would that work?


Yes you need to xbox wireless adapter, unfortunately plugging in the xbox controller directly wont work via virtualhere (not sure why, couldnt figure it out...)


Ok, I will get one today and try it. I will report back.


Ok so it is working with the adapter but there is a lag. Any suggestions?


Make sure the shield is connected to your network via ethernet cable, not wifi to minimize lag. But basically virtualhere doesnt add much lag at all so its very likely your network


Ok, I will work on optimizing my network then. Thanks, Michael


The shield has a really good CPU, so it easily handles the extra processing virtualhere needs to do, without much or any lag at all