CloudHub configuration with routing upstream

Is there a recommended way to have a CloudHub that is an AP for VirtualHere *and* provides internet access to connected systems via the cloudhub's wifi connection to a router? I'd like to use the WAN when my laptop is connected to Cloudhub.

Woulds any of the "router class" hardware (e.g., GL-MT300N-V2) would handle this better (and easier) than a Raspberry Pi with an extra wifi dongle?

Bonus points if the CloudHub could remember the WLAN wifi SSID/passwords it had previously connected.


In the CloudHub configuration choose "I want my cloudhub to be part of an existing network" and join your normal Wireless LAN.


Thanks Michael!

Will ""I want my cloudhub to be part of an existing network" allow the CloudHub have two wifi interfaces/SSID's:

  • One for the normal wireless lan and routing to the internet
  • A second for the cloudhub only
  • The reason for always running the two SSID's:

  • Works when the public wifi does not allow clients to see each other
  • Works when the public wifi is not reachable (or needs a new password or needs to change to a different network)
  • Avoids the need to reset the device back to factory settings since you have a failsafe wifi
  • #4



    That's what I thought. I might try RASPAP again.

    I do like CloudHub (much lighter, configurable via client, and very tolerant of power going out and not corrupting the sd card).