Does not support Hantek DSO6022BE USB Oscilloscope

The 'scope works fine on the server machine but VH returns an error when I select it in the client "There was an error using this device".

The logfile shows :-

2019-11-04 00:02:15 ERROR :Failed to enumerate drivers when selecting, No more data is available. (0x00000103)
2019-11-04 00:02:15 ERROR :Error binding device 6 [04b5:6022] to connection 1, BIND_ERROR

The drivers are installed on the client and server machines.

I am running Win7 Pro on both machines.

Is there any way around this ??



On the client right click on the Oscilloscope and select Custom Event Handler... and select


then press OK. now try again.


... mean me to replace $VENDOR_ID$ and $PRODUCT_ID$ with the actual HEX values or to type it in literally ???


... mean me to replace $VENDOR_ID$ and $PRODUCT_ID$ with the actual HEX values or to type it in literally ???
I cannot try it just yet as the machine I am using for tests has developed a fault :-(


No dont replace with hex values just copy that line exactly as is


I think you need to

1. Use windows 10
2. Use a linux server instead (e.g like a pi or a linux pc)


... have revealed that not only do we see this error on the Hantek Scope it also happens on several webcams and a usb logic analyser :-(

Most other devices work well (disks, flash sticks, key dongles, serial adapters and the like)

VH would be a very useful addition, but as it is we have decided to run VNC on the Win 7 server machine and access the scopes, webcams, etc that way with the application software running on the server. Not ideal due to the slow refresh rate but a workable solution for what we want to do.

For disks and such simple devices etc we will use VH
