I assume if I fix this error then the server will automatically start when I boot the system?
Any suggestions would be appreciated!
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ chmod +x ./vhusbdarm
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo ./vhusbdarm -r stdout
Thu Feb 27 21:39:24 2020 LOG_INFO >>> Starting VirtualHere USB Server v4.1.0 (Built: Feb 24 2020, 17:22:41)<<<
Thu Feb 27 21:39:24 2020 LOG_INFO Using configuration /home/ubuntu/config.ini
Thu Feb 27 21:39:24 2020 LOG_INFO Server licensed to=unlicensed max_devices=1
Thu Feb 27 21:39:24 2020 LOG_INFO Using large URB's
Thu Feb 27 21:39:24 2020 LOG_ERR Error starting server
Thu Feb 27 21:39:25 2020 LOG_INFO >>> Shutdown <<<
No that wont do that, you need to follow this section https://www.virtualhere.com/oem_faq
"How to i start VirtualHere when my device boots?" -> For systemd based systems