After upgrading a Win 7 Pro machine to Win 10 pro I receive the following groups of three warnings on a repeating basis every one to two minutes:
Win administrative events log:
hcmon - Detected unrecognized USB driver (\Driver\PnpManager).
hcmon - Detected unrecognized USB driver (\Driver\vhusb3hc).
It appears that VMware 15.5 usb hcmon doesn't like the Virtual Here usb 3 driver.
Is this a known issue? Has anyone found a workaround?
This did not happen in Win 7 running VMware 10.
I suspect its a bug in vmware e.g
Yes, I am familiar with that post on the VMware forum. It is only happening with the vhsub3hc device though, not with other USB3 devices.
If I uninstall Virtual Here client these errors stop.
This is a new Win 10 upgrade install, so I'm not sure yet what else to do about it, but I don't need or use USB 3 devices via VIrtual Here.
anyone ever find out the
anyone ever find out the lesser-of-the-evils type workaround for this? Cant uninstall vmware or virtualhere, but i gather disabling the vmwares usb arbitration service stops this. Just unsure what the ramifications would be.