I assume the error ERROR :Could not install driver for class goxlr_audio_sc means there is no specific support for this kind of audio device?
I guess it's weird that I've used Virtualhere for years and never come across this kind of device specific error before when using windows server & client
Full Log:
2020-04-20 17:10:15 INFO :Installing driver for class goxlr_audio_sc {FD14D126-54C0-4EF0-89F6-41E45B5C6D44}
2020-04-20 17:10:15 INFO :Downloading https://www.virtualhere.com/sites/default/files/usbserver/windows/win64…
2020-04-20 17:10:16 ERROR :There was an error downloading, HTTP response code said error (404)
2020-04-20 17:10:16 ERROR :Could not install driver for class goxlr_audio_sc
2020-04-20 17:10:16 ERROR :Error binding device 4 [1220:8fe0] to connection 2, BIND_ERROR
Try this version of the server instead
Note that audio may skip a bit with this version of the server (4.1.3) at the moment. I'm in the process of improving the audio quality