Hey Michael, I've been using this software every day for the last couple months and it is absolutely awesome. It has completely simplified my workflow switching between systems. Thanks.
The only thing that would make it even better would be the option to embed the window in the OSX menu bar dropdown (eg. kind of like Google Drive/Filestream). Seems like the menu bar is mainly there to access the window, so having the window embedded there would eliminate an extra click and make it much more accessible. This is a super small complaint, but since I am interacting with the window very often, it would really simplify the workflow for me.
Ps. Not sure if this forum is the preferred vehicle for feature requests, so if there is an alternative method you prefer please let me know. Thanks.
Thanks for the feature request, yes this is a good way to request features.
I will look at adding that, its a good idea actually. I was thinking of revamping that menu functionality soon anyway.
Fantastic, thanks!
Fantastic, thanks!
Ive done some investigation now and it looks like its going to be too much trouble. The reason is virtualhere also needs to be cross platform so for the time being its off the TODO list...until there is better cross-platform support in the library i use.
Bummer. Well thanks for looking into it anyways.