Share keyboard and mouse (aka KVM)


I have 2 computers. MacBook Pro, Linux PC with Windows 8 as a virtual machine. I'd like to share keyboard and mouse so I can easily switch between them. Something like a KVM. My GPU on Linux PC is redirected via IOMMU and seen in Windows. This enables me to play games on virtual machine. I want to avoid unplugging usb cables and plugging them again between my Mac and PC. I will switch video inputs from my monitor.

Does VirtualHere support this kind of configuration ? (I can buy some small computer eg. raspberry pi to work as a USB server)


Its supported but not practical because you need to use a keyboard/mouse to interact with the virtualhere client to use/stop using the keyboard/mouse in the particular machine


Thx for info. W ill look for something else. Maybe Steam in home streaming will work fine.


I have 2 PCs and android tv running the server. I tested it and it works great with my wireless keyboard with touch-pad even tho my android tv is pretty slow.

So my idea is this:
Each PC can detect an available device and auto-attach it.
I can use hotkeys on each PC to detach the keyboard.
Now it would be great if when the device is detached, the app would detect that, forward it to it's own android host, and if I press a hotkey it would forward it to the corresponding client, so that it can auto-attach it.

This would make it a fully functioning KVM that I can use to control every device right from my couch. And it would certainly make sense for me to buy the licence.


In theory i think it would be possible but i dont get any other requests for this so its not going to get done