VirtualHere on 32 bit Linux laptop

Hi All.
I am a newbie to Linux and VirtualHere so bare with me. I have an Acer Aspire 3680, a 32 bit laptop (initially had Windows XP on it). I tried installing the vhusbdi386 server version following the Terminal instructions, but I cannot find the installed application or how to run it.


chmod +x ./vhusbdi386
sudo ./vhusbdi386 -b

To confirm if it is running you can just do

ps -ef | grep vhusbd

and it should return a line showing the process running and its process id. It will now be running in the background.

VirtualHere server on linux doesn't have a user interface like it does on windows. It just runs by itself, and you can just run the virtualhere client to automatically connect to it.

You can see any messages from the server by running

grep vhusbd /var/log/syslog


Hoorah! It works and I can access the USB device from my Mac in another part of the property. Very cool! Thanks Michael!