Have got Steam running in WSL and am looking at adding usb device support to add controller. The instructions for https://www.virtualhere.com/content/install-virtualhere-client-linux-cl… seem to explain very well what is needed in Ubuntu On Windows but am surprised at no mention of WSL here in these forums.
Before i go jumping down rabbit holes (recompiling usbip and wsl kernel) would like too know if any fellow VH users have working usb devices (particularly Xbox type game controllers) in WSL thanks to VirtualHere?
Is official WSL support on the roadmap for future builds of VH linux client?
Yes i have been watching this topic lately and i found this on the wsl github microsoft repository. Seems its possible and works quite well but you do need to compile your own kernel with usbip enabled or install a kernel with this compiled in. You just need the client part of usbip
and see the following few posts also about compiling the kernel