Hello, I refer to the FAQ: https://www.virtualhere.com/oem_faq
How to i start VirtualHere when my device boots?
For systemd based systems: (e.g Raspberry Pi and most modern Linux Distributions)
1. ssh to your systemd system (I skipped this as I am already on my Rapsberry directly - hopefully correct?)
2. wget https://www.virtualhere.com/sites/default/files/usbserver/vhusbdarm
3. sudo chmod +x ./vhusbdarm
4. sudo mv vhusbdarm /usr/sbin
Until here I got everything done, entering above commands into the console. Next it says:
5 Create a text file /etc/systemd/system/virtualhere.service with the following contents
I created a textfile "virtualhere.service", copy pasted the inside text from the FAQ site and saved it on the desktop. Now I wanted to move it over to:
I am stuck here because it will not let me copy it into that folder as of permissions. I searched the web but am just more confused. There should be some sort of sudo command to let me copy it, but after 2 hours I still cannot create that file. Please help.
Next step would probably be the one named "THEN" on the FAQ
I do not know what "then" means, as it is not in the same format as steps number 2,3,4 above. I suppose these are commands to be entered into the console again once I have created and saved the above file?
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable virtualhere
systemctl start virtualhere
Any help is very appreciated as I have no clue about LINUX and all the different commands on the forums are disturbing for a windows user.
Kind regards,
You probably need to use sudo but this forum is not really a how to use linux forum, its best you post questions like this to a linux help forum
I finally got it to work. So for newbies just a little help:
Linux does not work like windows. It is not possible to copy and paste files around in the system. Basically everything is done with commands in the console like you would do it inDOS. To create the file you need to open the console then first go to the directory with this command:
cd /etc/systemd/system/
You will now be in this directory. Here you can create the file with the command:
touch virtualhere.service
nano virtualhere.service
The later command will open a text editor where you can copy and paste from the FAQ site. To save you cannot use the mouse and save file etc. You need to press CMD+W followed bei ENTER to save. With CMD + X you leave the editor.
Once this part is done it is easy. Just type in these commands in the console:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable virtualhere
systemctl start virtualhere
After rebooting, Virtualhere will automatically start.
OK im glad you figured it out. Yes linux is a bit more DIY than windows :)