VH server does not work without reboot after server start (license purchased)

We bought a server license. Installed Guardant USB dongle on server # 1 VH server as a service. Server HP ProLiant DL20 gen10 with Windows Server 2019. On the client, the VH client was also installed as a service.

- after restarting server # 1, USB key transfer does not work. Clicking on “use device” on the client does nothing. If you restart the VH server service manually in the Windows snap-in, then everything immediately works. Until the next server restart.


I think 4.3.3 of the virtualhere server I updated yesterday had a bug and i have rollbacked the changes now.

Could you do this

On the hyper-v server open Command Prompt and go to the virtualhere server directory where the exe is and type

vhusbdwinv64.exe -b

to uninstall it as a service.

Then download the new build from here https://www.virtualhere.com/windows_usb_server (ive rolled back the changes and updated the link there)

then type (note the filename has slightly changed)

vhusbdwin64.exe -b

to install it as a service again.


in the future there will be a new release 4.3.5 and better wait for it?