DSM 7.0 server version

Hello Michael.

After upgrading my Synolgoy to DSM7.0 tho old installation is reported incompatible with DSM7.0 so i reistalled it from the Package Center as a Beta version (this is how it is listed). However I saw that the latest online version is way older that the one that i see in your website.
The latest versions that you compile, are not delivered also in Package Center?



Yes it will be going into the synology package center soon for the time being use the beta version. Its not that much older only a few months...


Michael hello again.

I was installing some extra CLI tools from the Synology Community repo and I was thinking that maybe it would be easier to upload the VH Server on the community repo, in order to avoid the whole process of getting permision from Synology for the package.

I don't know if this could help delivering the updates directly.

Just thoughts


The hold up was because their testing shows virtualhere on DS1515 doesn't upgrade and needs to be installed fresh.

I don't think its my app because it works on every other synology model but anyway thats why it was delayed for about a month.

They contacted me last week and asked what to do and i said please put it in the app store on every platform except that and so last i heard that is what they are going to do.


Yes it will be going in very soon. Can you just install the BETA version from DSM for the time being. Its in the beta section of the Package Center