Cloud USB Server Not progressing past Terminal startup

Hi, having trouble with Cloud Server on raspberry pi 4B starts up, but seems to hang after:
kmodloader: done loading kernel modules from /etc/mopdules/d/*
wlan0: link becomes ready

Also can't seem to activate console. Keyboard is seen, if I plug in a USB device terminal updates but I can't type anything so it never starts the WiFi connect bit as per the instructions

Am I missing something obvious? It's definitely the right image for a Pi 4B and I've fully formatted the SD card a few times to try it from scratch.



This is expected behaviour.

CloudHub doesnt have any graphical user interface, so if you plug a display or keyboard in it wont do much.

You need to just follow the instructions on the Hardware webpage and it will work.


Ah thanks. Me being a muppet then. Had read the instructions but misunderstood what was happening where. Thanks for clearing that up!