Devices keep showing in use by empty users

Devices keep getting shown as in use and are locked by an empty user. Issue might be occurring if one of the client computers goes to sleep. After this, normal users cannot reclaim the device. Is there a way to stop this from happening?


No if the computer sleeps all devices are unlocked because the connection is dropped.

What is your client Operating System and your Server Operating System?


The client operating systems are Windows 10 - I don't know exact build numbers, but there are two PCs accessing the software on a daily basis. The server operating system is Ubuntu 20.04.3. Server version is 4.3.3.


Can you send me the /var/log/syslog* files from the server and ill see if i can find the issue. mail [at] (mail[at]virtualhere[dot]com)


Sent, thanks :)


Determined that the cause of this was the virtualhere server running inside a VM. The virtualhere server must run on real hardware because Hypervisors never pass through USB devices 100% correctly so virtualhere cannot properly manage them.

(The virtualhere client *can* run inside a VM with no problems)