VirtualHere doesnt work properly in the client side.

<p>Hello, I am a user who uses cloud gaming. I am currently sharing a pc in the cloud with the parsec software. My problem with VirutaHere is that no device is detected on the client-side even though I tried to disable the firewall and all that stuff. However, the server-side works properly. Certainly, with Parsec the detection of keyboard and mouse is possible but I use an extreme 3d pro joystick to play airplane simulator and this one cannot be detected.
<p>I hope that someone will be able to guide me through this problem<br />


<p>Should I maybe try to install windows 10 on my local machine because currently, I have windows 11 on my local machine and windows 10 on my server machine? Thanks.</p>


In the virtualhere client, right click USB Hubs->Specify Hubs and put in the IP address of your virtualhere server.


<p>It still doesn't work. When I put the IP address it showed nothing</p>