Keys Press Not Recognized (Alt/Shift/Tab/Esc & Delete)

Hi, I just started using VirtualHere to give a test run, however noticed that the Alt/Shift/Tab/Esc & Delete keys on my SpaceMouse Enterprise aren't recognized by my remote machine over RDP. Curious if there was a fix for this or a workaround?

Thanks in advance.


I'm running both Server and Client on Windows 10 Pro and using the latest Server/Client as of today.


I dont know sorry, virtualhere will pass the keys through.


Is there anyway to test if VH is actually passing the keys through? Since it's passing the keys to any application, and the device works perfectly when connected locally, it seems as though it's no passing the keys. I could be wrong, just taking a guess absent of any method to actually test it.


Its possible it might be RDP related. The first thing i would try to isolate the issue is install/connecting using VNC (e.g tightvnc) instead of RDP and see if it passes through the keys ok then. Remote Desktop sometimes does strange things to usb devices. For example smartcards are sometimes blocked.


Great, I'll try that and post back. Really curious as to why this is happening and if there is anyone else with a SpaceMouse who has had similar issues. As an aside, the fact that I'm using the trial wouldn't have anything to do with it right?


The trial would not affect this.