Ubunutu 14 Startup

How to automatically launch vhusbdx86_64 on boot or login of ubuntu 14?


I ended up doing this.

mv vhusbdx86_64 /etc/init.d/
chmod +x /etc/init.d/vhusbdx86_64
update-rc.d defvhusbdx86_64 defaults


So I did the following:

wget http://www.virtualhere.com/sites/default/files/usbserver/vhusbdx86_64
sudo chmod +x ./vhusbdx86_64
sudo mv vhusbdx86_64 /usr/sbin
wget http://www.virtualhere.com/sites/default/files/usbserver/scripts/vhusbd…
sudo chmod +x ./vhusbdpin
sudo mv vhusbdpin /etc/init.d
sudo update-rc.d vhusbdpin defaults
sudo reboot

and it's still not happening on boot.

Amazing software by the way. If I get this to work well I will be definitely be buying licenses.

Any other suggestions?


Seems to launch during shutdown.
Preventing a reboot but instead launching the vhusb server


You need to edit the script you downloaded (the second wget you did) and change vhusbdarmhf to vhusbdx86_64

That's what I found. Maybe a note on the relevant page, something like "Open /etc/init.d/vusbhd.pin with nano. Find the line starting with NAME=. substitute 'vhusbdarmhf' for the name of the file in /usr/sbin, e.g., NAME=vhusbdi386. Close Nano (control-x y ). Reboot.